Legal Notice
Electronic communication
Any e-mail sent from AKBR Partners’ system is intended only for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential information. If you have received an e-mail from AKBR Partners in error, please contact us immediately.
E-mail may be susceptible to data corruption, delay, interception, unauthorised amendment or computer viruses; we do not accept liability for any such corruption, delay, interception, amendment or viruses and any resultant consequences therefrom. Further issues can arise from the use of e-mail within the client/attorney relationship. If you would like additional information about the implications of communicating by e-mail, please contact us. Anyone who communicates with us by e-mail is taken to accept the risks in so doing.
AKBR attorneys at law, s.r.o., Co ID No.: 22270990, with registered office at Hartigova 1107/54, 130 00 Prague 3, Czech Republic, Co. registered in the Commercial Register administered by the City Court in Prague, File No. C 413708 (hereinafter referred to as “AKBR Partners”) is a legal services company.
In providing legal services, we utilize our own employees, cooperating law offices, tax advisers, and other experts although they formally may be independent entities. “Partners” of AKBR Partners can include its own associates, as well as long-term cooperating attorneys, or partners of an independent legal entity. Cooperating “Associates”, “Counsels”, and “Attorneys” can be attorneys continually cooperating with AKBR Partners or associates of other cooperating law offices.
The specific legal practice performed by a particular attorney can be found on the Czech Bar Association’s website at
Pursuant to Act No. 164/2013 Coll., on international assistance in tax administration matters and on amendments to other related laws, as amended, we would like to notify you that AKBR Partners and attorneys cooperating with AKBR Partners are bound by legal professional privilege when providing services. In the event the provision of services includes the introduction of cross-border arrangements that meet the hallmarks of reportable cross-border arrangements in accordance with the above legislation, you or your other advisors are subject to the reporting obligation. Should you need more information pertaining to this matter, we are prepared to provide additional details.
Information for Consumers
The following legal notice is intended for clients acting in their capacity as consumers, i.e., people who enter into an agreement for the provision of legal services or otherwise deal with AKBR Partners outside the scope of their business activities or independent exercise of their profession.
Information on Legal Services Being Provided
AKBR Partners provides legal services to consumers mainly in the field of labour & employment law. An agreement for the provision of legal services with a consumer can be made in writing or verbally, or also via means of remote communication; the same applies to giving instructions for the provision of legal services. In providing legal services, AKBR Partners is subject to the Act on Advocacy, Lawyers' Code of Ethics, rules of professional conduct of the Czech Bar Association and applicable laws. Agreements for the provision of legal services may be made for a limited or an unlimited term. The notice period for agreements made for an unlimited term must not exceed three months.
The fee for legal services is agreed individually and reflects the time, language and professional complexity, the erudition of the legal team members and the monetary value of the case. Most often, the contractual fee is (i) hourly; (ii) a flat fee; or (iii) a percentage fee for handling the case (set as a fixed or percentage amount); or (iv) a success fee. VAT at the statutory rate will be added to the fee. An agreement on the fee is contained in the agreement for the provision of legal services or in a separate agreement. The consumer is informed of the contractual fee amount or the method of its determination prior to the commencement of the provision of legal services so that they can decide whether they are interested in the legal services. In exceptional cases, where no contractual fee has been expressly agreed with the consumer, a non-contractual fee will be charged in accordance with Decree No. 177/1996 Coll., on lawyers' fees and reimbursements for the provision of legal services (Lawyer's Tariff), as amended. The consumer may pay the agreed fee by bank transfer or, to the extent of the statutory limit, in cash.
If the agreement is entered into via means of remote communication, AKBR Partners does not require payment of any additional costs in connection with the use of those means. The costs of using the means of remote communication on the part of the consumer are subject to agreement with their respective providers.
The fee does not include any out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with the provision of legal services (e.g., administrative or court fees, notary fees, translation services, expert reports or other external expenses). These will be charged in addition to the legal fees.
AKBR Partners may request a reasonable advance payment. AKBR Partners usually bills for the provided legal services after the services have been provided or after the end of a calendar month. Unless agreed otherwise, invoices are due within 14 days.
AKBR Partners is liable to its client for any damage caused by AKBR Partners to the client in connection with the practice of law. AKBR Partners will be exempted from this liability if it proves that the damage could not have been prevented even with the exercise of every effort that might have been reasonably required. AKBR Partners is insured against liability for damage caused by providing legal services.
Upon request, AKBR Partners will issue to the consumer a confirmation of the provision of the legal service, indicating the date of its provision. The consumer may exercise their rights arising from defective performance in accordance with Section 1914 et seq. of the Civil Code and Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on consumer protection, as amended. The consumer must complain about the defect without undue delay after the consumer could have discovered the defect, however, no later than six months after the provision of the legal service. AKBR Partners must issue a written confirmation to the consumer, stating the date when the consumer exercised the right, the content of the complaint and the requested form of settlement. In the event of a justified complaint, the consumer may elect namely the following forms of settlement: (i) a remedy free of charge; (ii) a reasonable discount on the fee; (iii) and, if the defect consists in a material breach of the agreement, withdrawal from the agreement. If they knew about the defect before the provision of the legal service or if the defect was caused by the consumer, the consumer does not have any rights from defective performance. AKBR Partners will decide on any complaint received without undue delay, but no later than within 30 days of its lodging. AKBR Partners will issue a written confirmation of the complaint settlement to the consumer.
Termination of the Provision of Legal Services
AKBR Partners may terminate an agreement for the provision of legal services to a consumer if (i) there is a breach of trust between the parties; or (ii) the consumer fails to provide the necessary cooperation; or (iii) the consumer insists that AKBR Partners follow the consumer's instructions in spite of having been advised that the consumer's instructions are in conflict with the law or rules of professional conduct; or (iv) the consumer fails to make a reasonable advance on the fee for the provision of legal services, in spite of having been requested to do so. If there is a conflict of interest as defined in Section 19 of Act No. 85/1996 Coll., on advocacy, as amended, AKBR Partners must terminate the agreement for the provision of legal services.
Consumers may terminate their agreements for the provision of legal services at any time, also for convenience.
Right to Withdraw
If an agreement for the provision of legal services was made remotely (i.e., by means of remote communication) or outside the premises of AKBR Partners, the consumer may withdraw from the agreement within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the agreement, also for convenience. However, if they have already requested or agreed to the provision of legal services before the expiry of this 14-day period, the consumer does not have the right to withdraw.
Consumers may withdraw by an unequivocal statement sent to the address of AKBR Partners' registered office, to the e-mail address or to the AKBR Partners' data mailbox ID 6623zaj and they can also use the attached notice of withdrawal form. To observe the deadline, it will suffice to send a notice of withdrawal before the expiry of the deadline. There is no sanction associated with the right to withdraw. AKBR Partners will acknowledge receipt of the notice of withdrawal to the consumer without undue delay and return to the consumer, at AKBR Partners’ expense, any unspent advance on legal services and any other items that have been taken over, or notify the consumer that the consumer does not have the right to withdraw where they have requested legal services before the expiry of the 14-day withdrawal period.
Notice of Withdrawal Form
Consumers can only use this form and send it back if they wish to withdraw from their agreement.
Notice of Withdrawal
To: AKBR attorneys at law, s.r.o., Co ID No.: 22270990, with registered office at Hartigova 1107/54, 130 00 Prague 3, Czech Republic,
I hereby give notice that I withdraw from the agreement for the provision of legal services of (*)
Name and surname (*)
Address (*)
Consumer's signature/ (only if this form is sent in paper form)